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主頁 新品推介 產品 投訴
维修須知 聯絡我們

Repair &  Warranty from 1-1-2012


Being a professional backpack  brand , all Mountain Wolf  backpacks are entitled a free 12 months warranty from the date of purchase . Damages caused by unqualified materials and workmanship are entitled for free maintenance , excluding from natural depreciation and carefulness / improper used , provided by our company . All backpacks return for maintenance are required to present warranty card or invoice in a clean appearance . All Mountain Wolf backpacks cannot wash by machine. It will lose the warranty when it wash by machine.

( General maintenance requires 6-8 weeks )



作為專業級的背囊品牌,所有Mountain Wolf的背囊均享有 12個月保養之承諾,所有凡因材料或制作上之缺陷而引致之損毀,本公司均免費修理(一般使用下之衰老磨損或不小心使用下之損毀不在此列)。所有退回維修之產品必須連同保用証或發票,並清潔妥當才會受理。所有Mountain Wolf 背囊均不可使用洗衣機清洗

            ( 一般維修需時約 6-8 星期 )

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